​​Main Square Day Care Centre 

Call us today at 416-691-3909 ext.7

Our children learn about themselves, their peers and the world in which they live through investigation and exploration, through art, drama, music and social interactions, while recognizing that each child is a unique individual

It is the educator's role to facilitate allowing the children's ideas and interests to flow in a positive planned program, allowing the children to discover, explore, document, compare and share their ideas and results.

​Main Square Day Care Centre accepts school age children from the following local schools:

- Secord Public School                   - St. Brigid's Catholic School                 

The School age children participate in many different child/teacher led clubs (ie. Yoga, Music) and take part in the "Hot Lunch" program. On PA days and school holidays, the school age children participate in a fun-filled and exciting day of care, often taking part in trips and outings, or having intriguing and educational workshops.

Every child is unique and we believe that success and growth come from encouragement and praise. Our teachers focus on children's interests and passions. We nurture their natural strengths. A child see’s the world around them with wonder and awe, we believe in encouraging their natural curiosity.

A four week rotating menu, as well as a vegetarian menu, provided by M Halpert Catering Ltd. The ingredients for each of the items on the menus are also provided.

Main Square Day Care Centre is a community based non-profit organization. It was established by parents needing child care and was incorporated in 1973 by Main Square Tenants Association. The centre is guided by a community board made up of parents with children in the centre.


School Age


      Board of Directors

     Education & Play.

 Our Philosophy

Legislative Links & Parent Resources​